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The "Yes man's" Education System

 “In the twenty-first century, we use a nineteenth-century school model with twentieth-century values. There’s clearly something wrong with this picture.”                                                                                                         - Zander Sherman   [ The Curiosity of School: Education  and the Dark Side of Enlightenment ]                     I hope so most of my readers would have seen the above picture already. This unfair education system is followed by us since the 1820s. This type of education system was introduced in India by the British because they want us just to study their language for easy communication and not for any other reason. They hod intentionally made us practice this type of education system so that no fellow would improve the knowledge of raising questions.               Years gone by, Governments changed but the education system remains the same. Due to this old method students don't have the freedom of studying stuff of their own

Are people accountable?

 What's happening around us & what are we doing?

            What's happening around the world? Covid-19 is not only killing us physically but also mentally. I don't know whether people are aware and afraid of what's going on around them and they don't bother about the lockdown imposed this time. I see many people or not accountable for saving their lives. Out of the past five days, today is the worst. When I woke up in the morning and came to the balcony nearly more than triple dozen people came for buying jewellery as today is considered as some auspicious day for buying it. Instead of wasting money on this situation, people could help others or at least have it as saving and use it later. I'm not saying that no one should buy jewellery at this time, but I just insist everyone ensure their safety precautions to save their lives in today's situation.

            It's all in our hands. We are always responsible and accountable as the citizen of India to follow the rules that government says. Kindly understand the situation and act according to it. If you do so you not only save yourself but also others life too. So think wisely and act according to the situation.


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